Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If you don't feel socially awkward then you didn't read long enough.

Week 2. Mission: relate it to your life.
Briony is a character in which i can relate to the most. Her father, like myne, is always working; and her mother, like myne, usually has to tend to her head-aches and illnesses. This often leaves Briony to be off in her own little world, and like me, she's completely content with it. We both contemplate things that normally aren't thought about, and have big imaginations. She also has older siblings that are moved away from home. Briony tends to just be more stubborn than me, gets more carried away, is a bit more creative, and writes much better.

Between two study halls, an extremely boring sunday, and reading while on an immovable bike i got 8more hours of reading in, and i'm done with the book.

Total hours so far: 10

Monday, January 18, 2010

Its a BOOK!

I am readin Atonement by Ian McEwan. The first few pages were not very easy to follow. He uses unnecesarily big words, so it takes me longer than usual to read it. It doesn't really capture my attention, nor do i feel inclined to keep reading. But I hope it will improve. I do like it though when the child goes on random tangents. She is a very interesting character and unique young girl.

I read for 2 hours so far, but am only on page 62.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Goals for Nerds

My goals over the course of this project is to increase my vigor for reading....haha well actually i'd like to get a good grade :) I will accomplish this through reading at least a half an hour a day. I will hope to read excessively on Sundays. I have already got two books in mind that happen to be sitting on my book shelf as we speak. I also have a few national geographic magazines to fill my time if I get done with the books too swiftly. I am updating my blog via text. (yay convenience!)